it appears we are out of bandaids

Recently someone in our family was describing a wound and explaining that it couldn’t heal properly because we don’t have bandaids. The interesting thing is, we do have bandaids. I believe the bandaids are on a different shelf. And yes, they’re in a different container, but they are there. Somewhat hidden, but there. The Holy … Continue reading it appears we are out of bandaids

way to go

We can all take notes from this committed father. He is faithfully building a solid foundation for his six-year-old son. What would change in our lives if we wrote our own script and started our days like this? Let’s try it for 10 days! Let me know what happens! Jenabu Williams video Here’s  Joshua’s Daily Pledge to help … Continue reading way to go

this is the year you (finally) enjoy the holidays | part one

I’d like to introduce you to one of the best sabotagers I know: Unrealistic Expectations meet Everyone; Everyone, Unrealistic Expectations. Oh, you’ve already met? Let’s not waste time pointing fingers at the myriad reasons we’ve grown up expecting too much. Let’s just identify how to let go of what we can’t control, and embrace what … Continue reading this is the year you (finally) enjoy the holidays | part one